
Rabu, 31 Januari 2018
to be at peace @ 18.45

for the last block at the end of last year of undergraduate medical studies in my school, you are allowed to choose two different blocks of your interest. one of the two blocks that i took is called "psychosomatic medicine". 

one day, the doctor told us this (if i'm not mistaken); 

"the opposite of sadness is not happiness, its the absence of sadness ;
the opposite of happiness is not sadness, its anxiety ; 
the opposite of love is not hate, its indifference" 

with the help of this tweet

but this time i will focus on the second line. does the state of anxiety-free means happiness? does being anxious means you're not happy? i believe one way to reach happiness is to be free from anxiety. (remember, its just one of thousand ways to be happy). and in order to be free from anxiety, you must surrender. yep, to surrender.

let's first talk about anxiety. the feeling of anxious, forms because of we are worried of what will happen next. because of the unknown and the uncertainty. we bite our fingers, trying to calm our fastening heartbeat, and wipe the sweat off of our forehead. it surely is not a comfortable feeling. 

how do we escape from the trap of such feeling? islam -the religion that i inshaAllah wholeheartedly follow- offers a very charming solution. that is to surrender. surrender yourself to God. the word "islam" itself actually means to surrender. we, mere human being, put ourselves under the will's of God, for Allah is the one who knows best for us all. 

there are many verses in the Quran that remind and guide us to do so. examples are below : 

credit as tagged 

and there's one personal fav quote from Imam Shafi'i

what we can do as a mere human being is that we have to do the best out of ourselves, pray a lot and then let the rest be upon Allah's will. for Allah is our creator, and our creater surely knows what best for us more than ourselves, right? and after that, you'll probably taste the sweetness of iman filling your souls. and, unconsciously, your lips curved into a smile, finding yourself is at peace --and happy. 

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takes off against the wind, and not with it
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