
Kamis, 04 Mei 2017
note-to-self @ 05.29

Here's a scribble of my brain-note when I attended a very inspiring talkshow weeks ago. Thought that imma put it here so that I can share to you guys and we can remember it for a lifetime...

1. Research = re search re search re search = do as best as you can, even when you feel like you're on the verge of the edge of the world and the world is better to swallow you whole
2. Persistent is the key
3. Honesty above all conditions, wherever you are, whatever you face
4. When your research results turns out to be against your hypothesis, after all your blood sweat and tears, it's still a precious result and worth written and published
5. Big things need big sacrifices
6. Opportunity doesn't knock twice, take it or regret it


takes off against the wind, and not with it
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