
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019
the chemical we pursue @ 08.37

one day, as a resultant of observing the odd behaviours of the lovebirds around me, one question popped on my mind

"why on earth would someone do so such, illogical, extra, things, for their significant other? how is that possible? where do their common sense go? what is obscuring their sense of judgement?"

day by day i seek answer from the nook and cranny of my mind, asking people who had done that, asking people who never did that, asking the skeptical and the romantics, but no answer satisfy me

until one day, 

the answer suddenly hits hard

because by doing so, they are happy, such acts make both parties --or at least one, happy

and, tell me, what do people seek in life, again?

then i smile, because of my misjudgement 

and because 
the answer is actually 

that simple, indeed

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Rabu, 27 Maret 2019
Gratitude @ 05.14

It's drizzling outside. The thousand tiny drops of rain pouring over our town, some of them fall onto the ground, some of them fall onto fish ponds --creating various size of echoing circles, some of them fall onto tree leaves, making them dance happily. 

I woke up this morning with a huge strange feeling of gratitude in my heart. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. I keep saying that. I feel very much blessed and very thankful to Allah, for the pavement that He directed me to step upon to, up until now. The world that once feels so strange and cold, now feel so warm and homy. I feel home here. I feel happy learning all the fascintating science of the human body and arts to heal the malfunctions. Moreover now that I've found subject that sparkles and ignites my adrenaline, neuroscience, I can't help but feel more and more thankful to Allah...

Indeed after the clinical rotation ends, after all of these that are happening in safe zones, there will come the real life challenges with real responsibilities and problems. The financial, the politics, the nepotism, all the brutal things that happen in the jungle, but for now....
for now....
for now, 
I am content. 

Bulusan, 24 March 2019

Senin, 28 Mei 2018
Crystalized Words #1 @ 06.45

"God has given you gifted mind, and you have to use that for your people." E.H.

"Saya nggak takut kok...saya kan mau sembuh." An elderly patient before anesthesia procedure.

"Ini adek kalau ditanya cita-cita, kepingin jadi dokter....kaya tante dokter ya..." A patient's mother.

"Maaf lho ya..tapi biasanya ibu kalau ditensi di kaki memang lebih tinggi dari di lengan.." A patient's guardian, a teacher.

"Aku nggak deket sama siapa-siapa di sini, haha." E.A. I have to greet him when I pass by him next time.

"Kalian harus bisa ya ini, ini 4A."

"Terima kasih/Makasih/Matur nuwun nggih mbak/dok.." :) Never failed to lift gloomy clouds and curve lips up.

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Rabu, 31 Januari 2018
to be at peace @ 18.45

for the last block at the end of last year of undergraduate medical studies in my school, you are allowed to choose two different blocks of your interest. one of the two blocks that i took is called "psychosomatic medicine". 

one day, the doctor told us this (if i'm not mistaken); 

"the opposite of sadness is not happiness, its the absence of sadness ;
the opposite of happiness is not sadness, its anxiety ; 
the opposite of love is not hate, its indifference" 

with the help of this tweet

but this time i will focus on the second line. does the state of anxiety-free means happiness? does being anxious means you're not happy? i believe one way to reach happiness is to be free from anxiety. (remember, its just one of thousand ways to be happy). and in order to be free from anxiety, you must surrender. yep, to surrender.

let's first talk about anxiety. the feeling of anxious, forms because of we are worried of what will happen next. because of the unknown and the uncertainty. we bite our fingers, trying to calm our fastening heartbeat, and wipe the sweat off of our forehead. it surely is not a comfortable feeling. 

how do we escape from the trap of such feeling? islam -the religion that i inshaAllah wholeheartedly follow- offers a very charming solution. that is to surrender. surrender yourself to God. the word "islam" itself actually means to surrender. we, mere human being, put ourselves under the will's of God, for Allah is the one who knows best for us all. 

there are many verses in the Quran that remind and guide us to do so. examples are below : 

credit as tagged 

and there's one personal fav quote from Imam Shafi'i

what we can do as a mere human being is that we have to do the best out of ourselves, pray a lot and then let the rest be upon Allah's will. for Allah is our creator, and our creater surely knows what best for us more than ourselves, right? and after that, you'll probably taste the sweetness of iman filling your souls. and, unconsciously, your lips curved into a smile, finding yourself is at peace --and happy. 

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Minggu, 23 Juli 2017
Apous, Apodidae @ 08.46

Trying to follow those footsteps of yours
But when I reach the end, you're already gone
Do you ever stop?


Kamis, 04 Mei 2017
note-to-self @ 05.29

Here's a scribble of my brain-note when I attended a very inspiring talkshow weeks ago. Thought that imma put it here so that I can share to you guys and we can remember it for a lifetime...

1. Research = re search re search re search = do as best as you can, even when you feel like you're on the verge of the edge of the world and the world is better to swallow you whole
2. Persistent is the key
3. Honesty above all conditions, wherever you are, whatever you face
4. When your research results turns out to be against your hypothesis, after all your blood sweat and tears, it's still a precious result and worth written and published
5. Big things need big sacrifices
6. Opportunity doesn't knock twice, take it or regret it


Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017
The Bath Box Review : Fluffy dan Scary Face [Indonesia] @ 23.31

Halo! Siang ini aku akan menulis sesuatu yang sedikit berbeda dari entri-entriku sebelumnya. Aku sebenernya agak sedikit malu menulis ini hoho tapi karena menurutku ini mungkin akan berguna bagi orang banyak, jadi kita langsung cus aja~

The Bath Box, sebuah brand lokal produk-produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh yang menjunjung tinggi kealamian dan bebas pengawet. Belakangan ini memang aku lebih perhatian soal urusan natural, less waste, preservative free, and so on. Aku rasa itu caraku menghormati alam semesta ini, menghormati pencipta-Nya. Oke back to the topic ya, jadi aku tertarik untuk mencoba produk perawatan rambutnya yang diberi nama Fluffy dan juga produk pembersih wajah bernama Scary Face.

Hair treatment Fluffy ini bahan-bahan utamanya terbuat dari campuran alpukat, telur, jus lemon dan pisang. Wanginya enaaaak banget. Sumpah enak, enak, enak, banget. Dia teksturnya mirip kondisioner rambut, tapi lebih tidak berminyak. Klaimnya dia bisa membuat rambut kering dan kusut jadi lembut dan halus kayak bulu (fluffy). Sangat menarik ya. 
Cara pakainya diusap ke rambut sebelum keramas, dan didiamkan selama sekitar 15-20 menit. Setelah itu bilas pake air, kemudian keramas deh kaya biasanya. 
Nah setelah aku coba pertama kali memang hasilnya belum terlalu kelihatan, cuma wanginya itu loh enak banget parah jadi aku bahagia-bahagia aja pakenya hehe. Setelah beberapa kali pakai baru memang keliatan ada hasilnya. Tapi aku rasa hasilnya balik lagi tergantung jenis rambut kalian ya, kalau rambut kalian jenisnya lurus klaim "lembut dan halus"nya mungkin lebih terasa daripada kalau dipakai sama yang punya rambut keriting-ikal. 
Untuk satu pot Fluffy ini bisa tahan 1 bulan-an dengan catatan dipakai setiap 2 hari sekali. Tapi, kalau rambut kamu panjang sekali mungkin hanya bertahan 2 minggu ya hehe. 

Lanjut yang kedua, Scary FaceIni adalah pembersih wajah harian yang klaimnya bisa "membersihkan por-pori, menyerap minyak berlebih, menarik kotoran dan racun, menyingkarkan komedo di wajah dan badan"  Dia ini terbuat dari Morrocan Lava Clay yang konon katanya diambil dari Maroko sana, dan juga arang! Jadi memang bikin wajah kamu jadi mankutkan gitu ya hohoho. Teksturnya dia ini agak unik hmm kaya apa ya...aku ga bisa menemukan persamaan dia dengan apapun :| oke pokoknya setelah kamu ambil si adonan Scary Face ini dikit aja, lalu kamu tambahin air dikit, barulah kamu bisa mengoleskannya di wajah kamu. Jadi adonan dia harus direkatkan pakai air dulu ya guys biar nempel, pernah aku lupa ngasih air jadinya di rontok ke lantai-lantai kamar mandi. Oh no my precious Scary Face!! :| 
Untuk wanginya menurutku dia wanginya biasa aja cenderung menyengat, mungkin berasal  dari berbagai minyak-minyak nabati bermanfaat yang ada dalam campuran adonannya kali ya (sok tau). Tapi beberapa review ada yang bilang mereka suka banget sama wanginya. Then again people are lil bit different, aren't they?
Aku beli karena tertarik banget nih dengan klaimnya dia yang bisa menyingkirkan komedo, yang notabene dia adalah asal muasal dari jerawat-jerawat yang bermunculan. Dan, aku juga bukan orang yang doyan facial. Aku berharap banyak bahwa produk ini akan membawa keajaiban menghilangkan komedo tanpa rasa sakit.
Dan hasilnya setelah aku pakai selama +/- 2 bulan adalah........ memang wajah akan serasa menjadi lebih bersih, kenyal, dan segar. Untuk komedo sendiri dia bisa menghilangkan beberapa komedo yang ada di permukaan, superfisial banget. Tapi sebagian besar komedo lain memang sepertinya butuh bantuan facial  untuk dihilangkan. Oh ya dia juga bisa mengurangi radang/inflamasi kalau kalian sedang ada jerawat, dan juga dia mempercepat proses penyembuhan jerawat itu, Itu untuk pengalamanku sih....layak dicoba guys! 
May it works wonder to you :D

Dari segi harga, untuk keduanya, memang agak mahal untuk ukuran kantong mahasiswa hiks. Tetapi demi kebaikan tubuh kita dan alam ini, tidak apalah ya merogoh lebih dalam sekali kali :) 

That's all for now, thanks for reading !

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takes off against the wind, and not with it
Welcome! Selamat datang!

This is my forte. I shall write what I want, post thoughts, inspirations, pretty much anything that comes to my mind.