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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014
a year ago in summer @ 20.46
It was 6.30 a.m. in the morning, me and Gandhes had finally got into the travel after the long chasing travel journey because we were late from the travel's schedule. But finally we made it yay! Alia had waited inside the travel. We were going to go Alia's hometown, Pacitan!
Pacitan is a small seaside-town. The town is famous for its numerous caves hence the "Pacitan Kota 1001 Goa", and also beaches and fresh seafoods!! To reach there from Yogyakarta, we have to go up and down the rocky tall limestone hills, shady woods, and sometimes damaged muddy roads. I did enjoy the ride. When we almost reach the town, the road gets more meander it started to be a little bit scary. Going down from the top of the hill, one could see the town from above, and the view was smashing! Too bad I couldn't take good pics because the ride was really shaky.
We reached Alia's house roughly at 10 a.m. She has a big and nice house. And the cool thing is this view was taken from her backyard!
jawdropping, i am totally envious
In the afternoon, we went to the Teleng Ria Beach by bike, it's just a 15 minute ride from Alia's house. On the way, the first thing I realized was the town is all surrounded by limestone mountains and hills. Like wherever you direct your gaze, you'll gonna see hills and mountains. Such a refreshment for the Yogyakartan eyes. I really enjoyed our ride there for I hardly ever did this kind of thing. Biking on a small town is lovely; there aren't as much vehicles as there are in Yogyakarta, and the streets feel bigger and safer, and when riding near small canals one could breathe in the smell of laundry soaps and wild bushes and weeds and typical flowers that grow along the canals. Mmm. Moreover it was drizzling that time. Parfait.
at teleng ria
Teleng Ria is a town-beach (this is my own term xD ). The beach has dark-colored sand and as usual thing here, its also surrounded by hills except for the center of veryyyyy end of our eye-sight. There's none. I think this place at sunset/sunrise would make a great shot! There was only a few number of people playing around when we got there. It was a little bit raining so we didn't stay there for a long time.
On the second day we went to Tamperan beach and visit the harbor. This time we were accompanied by Alia's friend.
The scenery is super beautiful and it makes me reallllly excited to turn the scenery photos into postcards!
On the 3rd day we went to Klayar beach and Gong cave with Alia's mom. You haven't been to Pacitan if you haven't visited those sites they said ;)
We had our breakfast, pecel pincuk, there. Oh I forgot to mention! In Pacitan they always serve "tiwul", a product of cassava, as companion or even substitution for rice. Local people like them big time.
After that we went to Gong cave! Because we didn;t take any decent pictures so I won't be posting any pics hehe. On the way home there's this peculiar thing happened. We stopped for awhile to visit this small cave beside the road called "Salak Cave". There was no one there at that time, and our driver led us to the path downward to enter the cave. The cave looked scary and I didn't have the guts to follow lmao so I waited up there beside the car. At first, everything seemed normal until suddenly a smell of jasmine flower suddenly filled up the air. And there's something flashing and flying shortly inside the cave. Alia's mom, Alia, Gandhes, and mas Driver quickly ran and hiked up to where I sat down. We quickly jumped into the car. They told me that there was a silver bird suddenly flying and flashing white light in the cave and there was a quick movement and mas driver who has this "special ability" said the spirit who lived in the cave was a woman and she'd like to be acquainted with mas driver since he is the only man. O......kay.
Then we had lunch with Alia's family near the beach. Yay for fishes!!! And on the way home we paid a visit to the Pacitan's famous mosque. The mosque was stunning.
We stayed for a few hours in Alia's house and at 3 pm the travel has picked us up to go back to Jogja.
So long, Pacitan!
Label: life, travel