
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012
tak tahulah @ 17.30

susah ya emang punya partner kerja lelet.

ok fine sometimes aku juga lelet, but never for really really important things like this.

buat hal-hal penting kaya gini, aku ngerjain sepenuh hati, berusaha untuk kerja cak-cek, kerja cepat, biar progressnya juga terus meningkat.

masalahnya adalah team kita terlalu sering membuang-buang waktu.

progress jadi stagnan atau malah mundur. horrible isn't it.

and you know what my mind rebels at stagnation. ga bisa mikir.

in the end, aku yang capek sendiri.

but no, i refuse to give up.


takes off against the wind, and not with it
Welcome! Selamat datang!

This is my forte. I shall write what I want, post thoughts, inspirations, pretty much anything that comes to my mind.